50% Off – Black Friday Sale
We are happy to announce a 50% discount for our premium layouts during our 1 -week Black Friday Sale. Starting today (27th Nov) till 4th of Dec, using the code wemplatesblackfriday, you’ll be able to slash 50% off the existing price of our lifetime premium layout license. This is a lifetime purchase, meaning you’ll get all of the existing premium layouts including all future layout designs. Click here to know more or simply view our demos.
We’ve just recently upgraded our Footer Modules Layouts to 40 unique layouts and made them compatible to DIVI’s Theme Builder Global Footer option. A lot of plans have been scheduled to increase the existing layouts, one of which is creating various “UI Kits” for all web design modules and covering all possible DIVI features. Stay tuned and don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter for updates and latest news.