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Premium DIVI Layouts, Modules, Designs & Wireframe UI Kits

Unlimited, lifetime, instant access to hundreds (and growing) of premium quality DIVI layouts, modules, designs and our latest DIVI Wireframe UI Kit.

30-day money back guarantee
Wemplates DIVI Premium and Free Layout


Premium Layouts & Designs


Free Layouts & Designs
(Grids, Footers, etc.)
Multi Layout Designs


Wireframe UI Kit

(Main project)


Full Websites

(Wireframe UI Kit)

What you’ll get

Unlimited, lifetime, instant access to hundreds (and growing) of premium quality DIVI layouts, modules, designs and our latest DIVI Wireframe UI Kit.


Lifetime Access / Updates

One-time payment for a lifetime access and updates of premium DIVI designs.


Hundreds of Designs

700+ free, premium layouts, module designs, multi-layout designs and the ongoing development of the DIVI Wireframe UI Kit.


DIVI Wireframe UI Kit

An ongoing and endless design package to help you to plan and design faster.


Demos & Screenshots

Online demos for your reference as well as screenshots – saved into individual sections (Wireframe UI Kit) so that you can do an initial mix and match in your favorite graphic design software.

Tutorials & Documentation

Step by step graphical tutorial and documentation on how you can import all the designs and start using them right away.
Free and Premium DIVI Layouts
Click on any of the post below to view the demo

Latest DIVI Premium Layout and Designs

Pentagon (Premium)

Pentagon (Premium)

Special layout for software and app development companies. Display your product in desktop and mobile versions, screenshots, testimonials and some stats.

3and4 (Premium)

3and4 (Premium)

Layout with infinite possibilities. Lots of whitespace and proper distribution of text and images in every other sections. Clean and not so heavy on the content.

Mobi (Premium)

Mobi (Premium)

Specially designed for mobile apps or any mobile related products. It uses a nice white clean background to give it a simple look.

Square (Premium)

Square (Premium)

Uses isometric graphics, you can utilize this layout for perhaps interior design, entertainment or any specific product that you wish to promote.

Grids Module (Premium)

Grids Module (Premium)

This is our Grid Module consisting of grid-based designs of various layouts and arrangements. Suitable for any portfolio based ideas or anything that you can fit into such design.

Codex (Premium)

Codex (Premium)

Excellent for your book or ebook launch. A landing page for your newly launched online course. You can use this for anything related to books.


10 Ebook landing pages

Elements include book and author information, downloads, video review, testimonials, pricing table, newsletter, download access from multiple platforms and many more. Best for authors who wish to sell, promote or even give your free eBooks away. Play around with the layout and replace the books with other products or services.

Click on the image below to view the demo.
DIVI Ebook Landing Pages

Package Includes

  • 700+ designs in total
    • Single page layouts
    • Multi-layout designs
    • Module designs (Footers, grids, etc.)
    • 10 x Ebook Landing Pages
    • Wireframe UI Kit
  • DIVI Wireframe UI Kit (Know more)
    • Covered over 17 different modules, representing over 500 various designs.
      • Menu, header, feature, text, CTA, gallery, team, testimonial, blog, form, contact, shop, pricing, 404, footer, full sites, sliders, CV, portfolio, résumé, etc.
    • Dozens of other various modules in the pipeline.
    • Light & Dark designs.
    • Wireframes & Fully designed layouts.
    • Endless and ongoing project.
  • Demo & Screenshots
  • Tutorials & Documentation

30-day money back guarantee

About & Description

My design approach has always been clean and simple, minimalistic yet somewhat reasonably complex. I think and jump out of the box, but within an acceptable set of boundaries. Having said that, I don’t implement much fancy rollovers, complex DIVI modifications or any usage of commercial DIVI addons out there. I do include CSS customizations, but not to an extreme level, although I do believe CSS does play an essential role in any of DIVI’s expansions of its design’s capacity. I shall leave any further modifications, customizations and integrations in your good hands and to your heart’s content.

I want to help aspiring entrepreneurs, new indie authors and any new online establishments to create a website with ease. The importance of having your own official site with your brand has never been emphasized enough in today’s growing online world. I’ve seen really old and outdated sites by very motivated independent individuals with really promising content – and hopefully with these layouts and templates, these same individuals will be able to take the next step in getting their own site up while minimizing the cost.

I use the default and core features of DIVI as much as possible, utilizing the unlimited possibilities of your own imagination. Everything you see is within the limitations and native features of DIVI. Coupled with great stock photos, videos, animated GIFs, color schemes and typography, anyone of us can achieve extremely wide variety of attractive design variations.


Fully Responsive

All full layouts, modules, sections, including the Wireframe UI Kit modules are fully responsive down to 320px on mobile.

Hybrid Designs

Take various elements / sections from different layouts and use them to create totally brand new designs for your website.


Additional CSS

When required, additional CSS is provided together with instructions on how to implement it.

Ready to Go

All designs are ready to go after the images and textual changes. With DIVI’s built-in Search and Replace feature, you can bulk edit with ease.

20 CV / Résumé / Portfolio DIVI Templates

20 different modules, layouts and designs based on a CV / Résumé / Portfolio concept. Suitable for any creative individuals who wish to get their whole work information up on the net. The modules cover personal information, biography, social media, skills, testimonials, galleries, portfolio, experience, education and many more. With 20 different modules and designs, you can customize your own landing page and create your own online CV.

Click on the image below to view the demo.

20 CV / Résumé / Portfolio DIVI Templates
DIVI Wireframe UI Kit

DIVI Wireframe UI Kitv2.1

Click on the button below to view the screenshots and demo.

Menu08 Header21 Feature42 Text19 CTA20 Gallery17 Team08 Testimonial10 *Blog16 Form13 Contact09 **Shop30 Pricing08 40430 Footer24 Full Sites02 Sliders & Headers10*2 CV / Résumé20 Light & Dark275*2 Total592
Version 2.1 – 10th Feb 2022
– Added 20 CV / Résumé / Portfolio layout designs
Download free sample
– More to come…
Version 2.028th Sept 2021
– Added 20 Sliders & Headers – Wireframe (10) + with images(10)
– More to come…
Version 1.0 – 27th May 2021 (Total designs – 552 (Light & Dark versions)
* – Designs for both Pages & Posts formats.
** – Designs for both Pages & Products formats.


Menuv1.0 Headerv1.0 Featurev1.0 Textv1.0 CTAv1.0 Galleryv1.07 Teamv1.0 Testimonialv1.0 *Blogv1.0 Formv1.0 Contactv1.0 **Shopv1.0 Pricingv1.0 404v1.0 Footerv1.0 Full Sitesv1.0 Headers & Slidersv2.0 Gridsv2.0 Scroll Effectsv2.0 CV / Résumév2.0 Socialv2.0 Videov2.0 Audiov2.0 Numbersv2.0 Clientsv2.0 Contact Formsv3.0 Buttonsv3.0 Accordion / Togglev3.0 Countdownv3.0 Tabsv3.0 Email Optinv3.0 Personal CVv3.0 Download Pagesv3.0 Step by Stepv3.0 Productsv3.0 Blog Posts∞ Landing Pages∞ Full Sites∞ Features∞ Headers / Footers∞
This roadmap represents plans for future development works in no particular order and is subject to change at any given time. It will be updated as it progresses.

Gain access and start creating your DIVI websites today!

30-day money back guarantee

How about a test drive?

Download free samples, taken straight from the premium layout designs. All documentations, screenshots and JSON files will be included.

6 Premium Layout & Designs (27MB)

Don’t have DIVI?
(Download / Learn More)

Sample content

Some of the premium layouts that you’ll find within this free sample: